Melbourne Law School Faculty Scholarship Bibliography 1857 — 2000
Browse Categories - A
List of Categories
- Academic
- Occupation
- a'Beckett, Thomas (1836 - 1919), Academic, Barrister, Journalist, Judge and Lecturer
- Bailey, Kenneth (1898 - 1972), Dean, Lecturer and Professor
- Cussen, Leo Finn Bernard (1859 - 1933), Barrister, Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria and Lecturer
- Duffy , Frank Gavan (1852 - 1936), Barrister, Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia, Justice of the High Court of Australia, Lecturer and Public Servant
- Hearn, William Edward (1826 - 1888), Academic, Dean and Professor
- Moore, William Harrison (1867 - 1935), Academic, Dean and Professor
- Acting County Court Judge
- Occupation
- Neighbour, George Henry (1848 - 1915), Acting County Court Judge, Barrister, Lecturer and Solicitor
- Acting Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria and Tasmania
- Occupation
- Coppel, Elias Godfrey (1896 - 1978), Acting Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria and Tasmania, Barrister, Soldier and Solicitor
- Anglican lay leader
- Occupation
- Hearn, William Edward (1826 - 1888), Academic, Dean and Professor
- Army Officer
- Occupation
- Dean, Arthur (1893 - 1970), Chancellor and Lecturer