Biographical entry

Hunter, Rosemary (1962 - )

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia


1/01/1990 - 1/01/1997
Melbourne Law School Employment

Additional Notes

Rresearch assistant to Hilary Charlesworth and Jenny Morgan in in feminist legal theory. lectured at Melbourne from 1990-1997, but during that time took a year's leave to undertake a Master's degree and enrol in a doctorate at Stanford University in the USA.
At Melbourne she founded the position of Koori student liaison officer and was a member and sometime Chair of the Law Faculty's Equal Opportunity Committee, as well as being a member of the University's Union Affirmative Action Consultative Group, Equal Opportunity Standing Committee, Aboriginal Education Committee and Students with Disabilities Advisory Working Group.
Her first book, Indirect Discrimination in the Workplace (Federation Press, 1992) remains the only book-length treatment of indirect discrimination internationally

Dean of Law at Griffith University (2003-2004).

View the publication record in TROVE (National Library of Australia)


Journal Articles

  • Hunter, Rosemary, 'The Regulation of Independent Contractors: Feminist Perspective', Corporate Business Law Journal, vol. 5, 1993, pp. 165-8. Details
  • Hunter, Rosemary, 'Deconstructing the Subjects of Feminism: The Essentialism Debate in Feminist Theory and Practice', Australian Feminist Law Journal, vol. 6, 1996, pp. 135-63. Details
  • Hunter, Rosemary C, 'Gender in Evidence: Masculine Norms vs. Feminist Reforms', Harvard Women's Law Journal, vol. 19, 1996, pp. 127-68. Details
  • Hunter,Rosemary, 'Two views on indirect discrimination [Series of two parts] Part 2', Australian Journal of Labour Law, vol. 3, no. 1, 1990, pp. 72-76. Details
  • Johnstone, Richard; Hunter, Rosemary, 'Crosscultural issues in law', Legal Service Bulletin, vol. 15, no. 4, 1990, p. 184. Details

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